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Page 5
Getting back to his truck and grabbing his clothes, Zac saw he was so hard not even a cold shower would help him now. He had a little difficulty getting his rock-hard erection into his jeans. If time had permitted it, he would have jacked off to help. But he knew he had to keep his head and get his mate to safety.
Zac drove his truck back to Aiden’s house, cursing up a storm at the situation. Pulling into the driveway, he noticed it was just Aiden’s car there. His family must have left. It was good to know his mate worked fast under pressure. Knocking on the front door, Zac realized that he didn’t have a clue what he was going to say.
The door opened wide, and before Zac could say anything, Aiden wrapped his arms around him and gave him a smoldering kiss. Zac immediately forced his tongue into Aiden’s mouth as Aiden did the same. Needing to take a breath, Zac broke the kiss and noticed Aiden was breathing heavy, too. Well, at least he wasn’t the only one affected by the kiss.
“I can’t even tell you how much I want keep going with that kiss,” Zac said, regaining his composure. “But we need to get you out of here, now.”
“I know, and I’m sorry. I just couldn’t seem to stop myself,” Aiden said, blushing. “My family is heading over to relatives a few states over for a while. Let me throw some necessities in a bag, and I’ll be ready. Our pack Delta, Sebastian, should be here in five minutes, and then we can leave.”
“Sebastian will have to follow us. I’m going to take you back to where my mate is stashed. Are you sure you can trust this Delta? You are trusting him with our lives, you know.”
“I would trust him with my life, yours, and your mate’s any day. I trust my family’s lives with him,” Aiden said, meeting Zac’s gaze squarely so Zac understood the full weight of his words.
“Okay, but warn him I won’t take any chances with the life of my mate,” Zac replied with the same force Aiden used. His mate nodded and headed back to his bedroom, or what Zac assumed was his bedroom. Zac decided he better fill Matt in and not just show up with strange men. Zac pulled out his cell phone and started dialing. He waited, again not knowing what to say.
“Hey, baby, how are you?”
“Missing my big, sexy mate,” Matt replied in a sultry voice that made Zac’s toes curl.
“I miss you, too, Matt. There have been some issues with this mission, though. I don’t want to get into it over the phone. I just wanted to give you the heads-up that I’m bringing a couple of guys back to the hotel. One of them is my other mate.”
“Wow,” Matt said, taking a pause, “both of us in two days. Are you okay?”
“I think so. I wish that was all that was going on, but it’s a lot more complicated than that. I just wanted to let you know. I promise nothing will happen to you, Matt. I won’t let it,” Zac said, noticing Aiden walking up to him. “I’ve got to go, baby. I’ll see you soon.”
“Be careful, Zac. Watch your back like a paranoid mental patient.”
“Okay, baby, I will.” Zac laughed. He hung up the phone and turned back to Aiden. “Ready?”
“Yeah, I just grabbed the basics. If I forgot anything, I can pick it up later,” Aiden said sadly.
“We’ll figure this out, okay?” Zac replied, hugging Aiden. He broke their embrace in a flash when he heard someone else pulling into the driveway.
Aiden went over to the window and peeked out through the blinds. “It’s Sebastian, and he’s alone.”
“Let’s get the show on the road,” Aiden said as they headed towards the driveway. Zac got in the truck as he watched Aiden talk to the man in the car behind him. Aiden threw his bags into the bed of the truck then walked around to hop in next to Zac. “Sebastian knows to follow us.”
Zac didn’t know how to help Aiden as a look of grief washed over his face when they pulled away from the house. He didn’t know how to handle this emotional side of having mates. Sure, he knew what to do if someone was attacking them, but this was all new to Zac, especially after being on his own for so long. Silently, Zac reached over and took Aiden’s hand, his eyes never leaving the road.
Aiden gave his hand a slight squeeze, acknowledging what Zac was trying to communicate. They didn’t talk the whole drive back to the motel, but what could really be said? This sucks. Sorry your Alpha contacted me to kill you? That really wasn’t something Zac wanted to verbalize.
“We’re here,” Zac said as he pulled into the parking lot.
“Wow, I’ve met my mate, and now I’m going to meet your other mate. That really hasn’t sunk in with everything else that’s going on,” Aiden said quietly before they got out of the truck.
“One thing at a time, we’ll deal with everything as it comes,” Zac replied, grabbing one of Aiden’s bags. He turned and watched Sebastian approach, trying not to growl when the man wrapped an arm over his mate’s shoulders. “The room is this way.”
As Zac opened the door, he was shocked as a small weight crashed into him. It took him a few moments to realize it was his little mate.
“Thank God you’re safe,” Matt said, planting small kisses all over his face.
“Wow! I could get used to greetings like this when I come home.” Zac laughed. He moved so the other two men could come into the room as well. “Baby, this is Aiden Kane, my other mate. Aiden, this is Matt Garrett.”
“Nice to meet you, Matt,” Aiden said, shaking Matt’s hand.
“You, too,” Matt replied, his eyes locking on the man standing behind Aiden. “He’s a Delta, isn’t he?” Matt nodded to Sebastian.
“Yes, this is my friend and the Delta of our pack, Sebastian Rule,” Aiden told him.
“Hello, handsome,” Matt said, sauntering over to Sebastian and wrapping his arms around his neck. Matt started rubbing his body against Sebastian, as a cat would with his owner’s leg.
“Okay, come here, Matt.” Zac chuckled, dragging Matt away from the other Delta. “Remember it’s his scent, baby, and I don’t share.”
“Sorry,” Matt said, his face bright red, probably from embarrassment.
“I get it a lot. And you are?” Sebastian asked, extending his hand to Zac.
“Zac Sheehan, nice to meet you,” Zac replied, shaking the man’s hand. “Not to be rude, but why are you here, Sebastian?”
“Sebastian is here because, if you go to the council, Zac, and explain what’s going on, you’ll have to inform them I’m your mate. They might not believe you, given the circumstances. Also, if Alpha Issacar is after me, he is or will be after Sebastian soon.”
“Makes sense,” Zac said, thinking it over for a bit. “What now?”
“I don’t have a fucking clue,” Aiden said with a heavy sigh.
“First, I say we pack up and get the hell out of here,” Sebastian suggested. “Once we get to wherever is safe, I would assume back to Zac’s house, we talk with the council.”
“Do you know who Issacar’s friend is on the council? We have to make sure he’s not who we contact,” Zac replied. When both men shook their heads, Zac started to worry again.
“I can find out,” Matt’s quiet voice said from behind him.
“You can?” Zac asked, pulling him forward to lean against his chest.
“Yeah, if you give me a list of the council members’ names, I can find it out once we get home. Remember what I said about being able to find things out on people,” Matt said, giving Zac a sly grin.
“You are such a catch, baby,” Zac said, then kissed the top of Matt’s head. “All right, let’s get everything packed up. Aiden, why don’t you ride with Sebastian? Just in case we get separated. I don’t want anyone on their own until we get back to the safety of my pack.”
“Agreed,” Sebastian and Aiden said at the same time. Everyone moved efficiently, Matt packing up anything lying around the motel room, while the rest brought out Matt’s boxes to the truck. They had brought everything in last night to make sure nothing got stolen. The somber silence between everyone was almost
disturbing. No one knew what to say. Zac went to check them out while the others finished loading up the rest.
Zac felt bad for Aiden, and for himself, too. Finding his mate was supposed to be a happy time. He was thrilled when he found Matt, getting to spend some wonderful alone time with him.
The memory of claiming Matt would be with Zac forever. Aiden and he weren’t going to get that because of the situation they were all in. Zac hoped that missed moment didn’t affect their mating.
Chapter 4
“So, that’s your mate, huh?”
Aiden looked away from the view out the side window of the car and over to his best friend, Sebastian. “Yeah, it looks that way.”
“He’s cute.”
“Which one?” Aiden chuckled.
“Both? Either?”
“You’re a Delta,” Aiden said. “How does that mating thing work? I mean, am I mated to both Zac and Matt or just Zac? Do I have to share Zac with Matt, or do we share him together? What?”
“I’m afraid you’re on your own there, my friend,” Sebastian said. “I’ve never been mated before, and that part of the whole Delta thing was kind of glossed over during my training, something about not filling my head with mindless drivel, or so the pack Alpha said.”
Aiden leaned his head back against the headrest and went back to looking out the window. “That doesn’t sound very reassuring, Sebastian.”
“It could be worse.”
“You could be mated to Issacar.”
Aiden snorted and rolled his head back to look at Sebastian. “Oh, you’re a lot of help. Jackass.”
“Look, you found your mate, Aiden. This should be the happiest day of your life. It sucks that you have to meet him under these circumstances, but at least you’ve met him. Some people go their whole lives without meeting their mates.”
Aiden grimaced. He knew Sebastian still looked for his mates. For as long as Aiden knew the man, he’d been looking for his mates. It was almost an obsession with him. Sebastian seemed to think he’d meet his mates and live happily ever after.
Aiden began to wonder if his happily ever after was meant to be because currently his life sucked. Yes, he had found his mate. But his mate already had a mate, one Zac seemed to adore. Aiden didn’t know if he could compete with that.
To top that all off, as if that wasn’t big enough, Aiden’s life was in serious danger of being snuffed out. There was also the likelihood that he would take his mate and his mate’s mate out with him, not to mention his best friend.
“You know this sucks on several different levels, right?”
Sebastian’s laughter filled the small confines of the car.
Aiden glanced over at him, a bubble of laughter escaping his mouth. “Well, it does.”
“I have no doubt that it sucks, Aiden,” Sebastian replied. “But you need to look on the bright side. You found your mate, man. No matter how bad the situation is, that has to make you excited.” Sebastian grinned. “Besides, your mate is a Delta. Think of the sex.”
Aiden laughed. Sebastian did have a way of making a bad situation seem not quite so bad. From his years of hanging out with Sebastian, Aiden knew that Deltas had an above average sex drive. It looked like he wouldn’t have to jerk off anytime soon.
“And don’t forget the little spitfire,” Sebastian added. “Depending on how things work out between the three of you, you could be getting laid a lot in the future.”
Aiden sat up, his gaze going to the truck in front of them. “Do you really think something would work out between the three of us?”
“Who knows? As long as everyone is agreeable, I say try claiming the spitfire. See what happens. Who knows, maybe you were meant to be Matt’s mate, too. I don’t remember anything in the rule book that said you weren’t mates.” Sebastian shrugged. “Of course, I don’t remember anything saying you were, either.”
“You’re a fountain of information, Sebastian.”
Aiden didn’t know what to think. Zac was gorgeous, but so was Matt. True, Aiden didn’t feel the same deep need for Matt that he felt for Zac, but that could be attributed to Zac being a Delta. Mates were supposed to be immune to a Delta’s pheromones, but that didn’t mean they were dead.
Besides, Aiden would much rather the three of them get along rather than not. He didn’t relish having to spend nights alone while his mate was off getting screwed by someone else, even if that someone was Zac’s other mate.
“So, how far is it to this guy’s pack?” Sebastian asked.
“I have no fucking idea.” Aiden chuckled. “I forgot to ask.”
“Yo, dude, wake up. I think we’re here.”
Aiden opened his eyes and glanced around. They were pulling off the main road onto a small dirt road shadowed by tall trees on both sides. Aiden sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes so he could get a better look.
Considering it was pitch black outside, there wasn’t much to see. The only light Aiden could see came from the moon hanging overhead. His one consolation to being in the boonies was the fact that the moon looked so big he could almost reach up and touch it.
Aiden didn’t exactly live in the city where he came from, but close enough. The city lights drowned out the moon’s glow on many nights. It was something he missed a lot. He spent many a night driving out into the country just so he could look at the moon in all her glory. Here at Zac’s home, he wouldn’t need to do that.
“This place is amazing,” he whispered as he leaned forward to get a better look at the moon through the front window. He reached out to press his hand against the cold glass. “I can almost touch the moon.”
“Yeah, not too bad for a Delta,” Sebastian remarked.
Aiden glanced over at him, confused by the tone in his voice. “What do you mean?”
Sebastian shrugged. “Most Deltas don’t have digs this nice. It’s kind of hard to set up a great place when you’re never home.”
“Christ! I never thought of that,” Aiden said. “Zac will be gone most of the time working for the council. I’ll hardly ever get to see him.”
“Most likely,” Sebastian said. “Why do you think I suggested you and Matt try to get things going between the two of you? It’s going to be pretty lonely out here if you’re just roommates.”
Aiden shook his head as Sebastian pulled his car up beside Zac’s truck and turned it off. “Let me remind you once again of my words from earlier,” he said. “This sucks on so many levels.”
Sebastian laughed as he climbed out of the car. Aiden didn’t have much else to say. There wasn’t really anything he could say. His life had just hit a major crossroads, and he wasn’t sure which direction to walk toward.
However, the tall, luscious man standing by the front porch of a cabin seemed to be his best bet. Aiden grabbed his bags and walked up to Zac. He stood on the step just below the man and gazed up at him.
“Hey, handsome, come here often?” Zac chuckled. Aiden leaned into the callused hand that Zac placed against his cheek, wishing that they had just a few minutes of alone time. Ten minutes would work.
“I’ve been here once or twice,” Zac replied. “However, since I just met you and Matt, I’d like to show the two of you around the place. Do you think your friend there could occupy himself for a few minutes?”
Aiden didn’t even turn away from the blue eyes looking down at him. He just yelled over his shoulder. “Sebastian, bring in the bags.”
“Ah, man,” Sebastian whined good-naturedly. “I always get stuck doing the heavy lifting.”
“I could help,” Matt said as he sidled up to Sebastian.
Aiden laughed when Zac rolled his eyes. “Matt!”
“Sorry, I keep forgetting,” Matt said quickly as he hurried over to stand next to Zac. His face was red, his eyes darting around. “He just smells so good.”
Zac chuckled and wrapped his arm around Matt’s shoulders. “I guess I need to claim you a few more times before the effect lessens on
Matt seemed to brighten right up, a happy grin covering his cute, little face. “Okay.”
“Yeah, about that,” Aiden began. “How does the whole mating thing between the three of us work? I mean, do we get separate places to live and just date? Do you spend half the week in my bed and half the week in Matt’s? What?”
Zac’s dark eyebrows drew together as he frowned. “Well, I was kind of hoping that you might agree to live here with me and Matt. As for the rest of it, I don’t know what the rules are or how it’s done. I guess we do what feels right for us and fuck everybody else.”
“I think I like that idea,” Aiden said. He glanced down at Matt’s eager face. “What about you, Matt? Zac mated you first. How do you feel about sharing?”
“Me or Zac?” Matt asked.
“Uh, both?” Aiden answered. He knew he was stepping out on a limb. Zac didn’t have to share either of them. Technically, Aiden and Matt were only mated to Zac. They weren’t mated to each other. There might never be a connection between them.
Matt grinned. “That could be fun.”
Aiden swallowed past the lump that suddenly lodged in his throat. The glint in Matt’s eyes made his cock harden. The smile that Zac shot down to the little man made Aiden wish for a flat surface. Both men seemed to be in support of the idea that the three of them should try things out together.
“So, about this tour—”
Zac gestured toward the house. “Right this way,” he said as he started walking. “Would you like the full tour or just the highlights?”
Aiden glanced down when he felt Matt nudge him. He arched an eyebrow at the smaller man.
“I say we go for the highlights.” Matt chuckled. “We can see the rest of the place later.”
Aiden grinned. “The highlights it is.”
Matt looped his arm through Aiden’s, and the two of them followed Zac through the house. Aiden would have liked to have taken a longer look at the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves built into one wall of the living room, or even the cozy-looking fireplace on another, but getting down the hallway seemed to be more important.